Ben gets a hot dog

Ben was a dog who really liked to eat hot dogs. Every time he got one, he would lose it. One day, a kid was carrying a hot dog and at the sight of Ben, he screamed.

“Yikes help, it’s a dog!” Then he dropped the hot dog in front of Ben and ran.

“Yes! A hot dog!” Suddenly he felt anxious.

“What if I lose the hot dog just like the other five billion hot dogs that I found?” So he decided to hide the hot dog somewhere safe so he wouldn’t lose it. Then it struck him. He wanted to hide it deep in the ground in a tree. So he tried digging a hole in the tree, but that didn’t work because his paws weren’t so good with digging. So he thought about putting it in the broken down house, but the very thought was just too scary. Finally he decided to just eat it himself. He happily rubbed his stomach.

“That was good! I didn’t lose the hot dog this time.” He had learned a lesson. Just eat it.