Let’s do Standardized tests

I think that standardized tests are the proper measuring stick for student performance. They help in getting good careers and are a good practice. An example is if I wanted a certain career then I could ask myself  “what would be the best way to know that I am ready for this career”. And that would be a standardized test because a standardized test would give students the final practice they need for their career. Standardized tests are learning tools that aid in having a good career. They also give many scholars important facts that they might want to know when they’re  getting a career. I would think that getting standardized tests would be much better than anything else because of these reasons. They give practice and preparation that can really help make a mark in a trainer’s career. With this proof I can say that standardized tests are good tests for students.  


Taking a standardized test is a good influence for getting a career. I know that taking them is better than taking a regular test. This is because when a learner takes a standardized test they are more challenging than a regular test and have a much more better decision of choosing which career that learner  may go to. This is why standardized tests are great tools for teaching. Another reason standardized test are better is because they give good practice for a scholar’s career. An example is what do I have to do in my career,  what is the point of doing it, and what does it change? Standardized tests are a good tool because of the good practice they give. One last thing that is great about standardized tests is that they give very important info on a student’s career. Something that might not be shown about his career on a regular test can be shown on a standardized test which is a really good reason for taking standardized tests. Some people also recommend standardized tests more than regular tests. These kinds of people are usually teachers or principals. Now it would seem that standardized tests are more better than regular tests. So taking a standardized test is really the best thing to do. This is because they are more challenging, give the students more practice for their career, and give important info for them on their career career. And they are recommended by teachers and principals. So the next time somebody thinks of getting a test don’t make it a regular test make it a standardized test.


There are a lot of reasons for why standardized tests are so good. One thing is how it steadily increases academic performance. Every once in a while, a maker of standardized tests will try to add new ideas in the test to make it better. Things like increasing the question’s difficulty is something of an idea improvement. So most people would recommend standardized tests as a good thing. Standardized testing is not only good with practice but can also identify weak points in a student’s current curriculum. With standardized tests, a student can be helped in parts which they fail at. When the trainer takes the test, that person will know what their strengths and weaknesses are. This is a very good reason for why standardized tests are better than regular tests. Also a person should remember that standardized tests are rated better from a lot of people. So if anyone were to think that standardized tests are not a good idea, then they can be shown by other people that it is a good idea. Since there are a lot of reasons on why standardized tests are good, many scholars are more likely to realize that they are good and should be taken. So standardized tests are better because they steadily increase academic performance, can identify a students weak point, and they are rated well from many people. So when a person wants regular testing to get better at something tell them to get standardized testing.


Tests are meant to teach me something about my career. But standardized tests take teaching to the next level in a series of reasons. One reason that students should take a standardized test is because these tests can easily compare with how their score should be and can be reached if they take a standardized test. An example is if an individual took a standardized test, it could tell the student as to what can be done afterwards. This shows that standardized tests can improve academic achievement. Another reason that standardized tests are good in teaching something is because they give good techniques on how to do something in your career. If students are not good at something academic, then a standardized test can provide good techniques to help them succeed. In addition, these techniques also improve the standardized tests by allowing test creators to get a better picture of how to create them. Finally, one more reason that standardized tests are better than regular tests is because they are taken by many people. Many people take standardized tests because they know it’s good. So people who need to take a test for their career might as well take a standardized test because everyone knows standardized tests are a good teaching tool. Hence, standardized tests are better than regular tests and should be taken. They can be compared as well. For example, the student’s test score is compared with how they can do better in the standardized test. With these reasons most learners would want to take a standardized test.


Overall standardized tests are a good teaching tool and help in numerous ways. A lot of students should know that standardized tests can help them succeed in their career goals. They are a really good influence for getting a career. They can improve their academic performance and help a lot of students with their weak points. Standardized tests give loads of info to students that are going into a hard career and need help. Most people would know that taking standardized tests is a really good idea. If so many people rate standardized tests good then students should think the same way as well. The point is standardized tests are better than a regular test and therefore should be taken by learners. If standardized tests were taken many people can succeed and be happy. With these facts, opinions, and reasons shouldn’t standardized tests be taken by all students?